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In 3 sessions, you will learn all of the fundamental movements needed to safely and effectively perform CrossFit workouts. These sessions are designed to go over each movement in a slower and more detailed oriented setting than a normal class. This allows for more instructional time and personal attention in this important initial learning period.


Q: Why do I need to attend a Fundamentals program? I’ve worked out at a gym before.

A: Squats, wallballs, Olympic Lifts, Toes to Bar, Pull-Ups, etc…there is a broad spectrum of movements in CrossFit that you’ll see in the programming for group classes. We want to set you up for success and ensure you have the knowledge to move well and safely.

Q: What is the Fundamentals Program and what should I expect?

A: Our Fundamentals Program provides you with a personal coach that will guide you through the major movements you’ll encounter in CrossFit and teaches you how to execute them well. Over the course of 3 personal sessions, you will build a solid foundation of the core CrossFit movements so your transition into group classes is comfortable so when you show up for class, you will be more prepared and less intimidated. Because you work with a personal coach for each fundamentals session, you will have the opportunity to get specific and personalized advice and it gives the coach the opportunity to get to know your specific needs – such as injuries, individual abilities, and goals. This knowledge allows the coach to develop mobility exercises and modifications that will help you overcome weaknesses or movement restrictions. In addition to learning and practicing the fundamental movements of CrossFit, you will be exposed to the fun atmosphere that comes with working out in a group setting and the intensity level that is so much a part of our workouts. We will cover gym etiquette as well: how to rack and un-rack barbells, how to set up rowing machines and put them away, how to use resistance bands, and more.

Q: I’m ready to sign up! How do I sign up?

A: The 3 fundamental sessions is $150. After completing the 3 sessions, you are ready to hit the ground running and join the group training classes. At the conclusion of your 3 sessions, you will be able to sign up for your first month membership for only $100!


3 SESSIONS | $150

One time fee.

No reoccurring charges.


Email to schedule!


836 Market Street, Rear

Lemoyne, PA 17043




Phone: 732-546-5477



Mon-Fri: 5:30 AM - 7:00 PM 

Saturday: 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Sunday: CLOSED


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